Less than eleven minutes ...
If I was to write right now like my life depended on it and
that each word that oozed out of the orifices off my numb fingers were the last
drops of water in an oasis in the desert, what would I write?
Would play that game where you picture yourself at your
funeral and you, reincarnated as your best friend or close relative are
delivering your own eulogy? What would I say? Hmm… or would I decide to dig
deep into my past, not forgetting the resent days of turmoil and write down
that autobiography of the journey through this life that finally led me to be
at this place at this particular time, writing this exact sentence…karma! Or
would I choose an escape, a paradoxical existential life, utopia…
As Marai in Paulo
Coehlos’ Eleven minutes so profoundly
“Keeping passion at bay or surrendering blindly to it-which of these two attitudes is least destructive?”
Life with its twist and turns at times decides to play a crude game of giving you the freedom to do whatever you want, then again leaving in its wake, subtle disclaimers…like this clock, tic toking away, minutes, seconds to my inevitable…
“Keeping passion at bay or surrendering blindly to it-which of these two attitudes is least destructive?”
Life with its twist and turns at times decides to play a crude game of giving you the freedom to do whatever you want, then again leaving in its wake, subtle disclaimers…like this clock, tic toking away, minutes, seconds to my inevitable…
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